

valdefar logo




Valdefar is a Danish webcomic that I started in 2012. The comic has had several, viral hits in Denmark, including a spaghetti recipe that raked in over 125.000 pageviews. The comic was also a weekly feature in national newspaper Metroxpress for over a year.

valdefardk screenshot

I made a comic about how fucking awful wasps are and how it's totally okay to be super scared of them.

It reached 110.000 people on facebook organically and made it to both Sweden, Norway and even the Faroe Islands!

valdefar hvepse

Bo$$: my first of many comics in Metroxpress.

valdefar metroxpress
valdefar 	berlingske

A Valdefar-comic about an extremely dissapointing solar eclipse also found its way onto the pages of Berlingske Tidende.

(without my permission, but I'll give them a pass this time)

In 2015 Metroxpress featured a Valdefar election special that sparked some controversy and made people call me a socialist scum and a pretentious douche among other nice things.

That was awesome.

There's much more to see at
(only in Danish, unfortunately)

valdefar election